A List of Foods to Avoid If You Have Gallbladder or Stone Issues!

If you have gallstones, or if you have a family history of gallbladder issues, there are some things you can do to help reduce your risk of developing stones. One is to maintain a healthy weight. Another is to be active every day. And finally, the food you eat can make a huge difference in your potential risk factors.

While a healthy diet is important to overall health, it is also important to your gallbladder health. There are some foods that you should avoid if you want to reduce your chances of forming gallstones. Certain types of foods have been proven to increase your chances of developing gallbladder issues like gallstones. Let’s explore some foods you want to limit or avoid.

List of Foods to Eliminate From Your Diet If You Suffer From Gallbladder Issues

While eating a balanced, healthy diet is important, what is equally important is avoiding foods that can trigger issues with your gallstones. Here are some foods you want to try to limit or avoid if you are at risk.

Refined Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are a part of any standard diet, and they are not all bad. Unrefined carbs like whole grains and oats provide essential nutrients. But refined carbohydrates increase your risk of gallbladder disease and stones. Here are some cars to limit or avoid:

  • Candy
  • Chocolate
  • White flour
  • Other refined grains
  • Added sugars and sweeteners
  • Premade baked goods
  • Cookies and cakes

Unless your doctor has told you otherwise, you don’t have to completely eliminate these foods, but it can be helpful to be mindful of how much you are consuming.

Saturated Fat

Cholesterol plays a big role in the formation of stones and foods that are high in saturated fat have a lot of cholesterol. These may include:

  • Red meat
  • Meat pies
  • Sausages
  • Other fatty cuts of meat
  • Cream
  • Hard cheese
  • Cakes and cookies
  • Food containing coconut or palm oil

Unless your doctor has told you to avoid cholesterol completely, you can have these foods in moderation. But limiting your intake is important for heart health as well as gallbladder health.

Fried Foods

You also want to avoid fried foods like potato chips, fried chicken, or French fries. These can be a big trigger for gallstones or gallbladder infection.

High Fat Dairy Products

High-fat dairy products should also be avoided. Look for alternatives like low-fat milk, low-fat cheese, or daily alternatives if you enjoy these foods daily.


Alcohol can be a trigger for gallstone issues. When used in moderation, some alcohol is okay. But heavy drinking can increase liver disease risk and may increase your chances of developing stones.

Processed Meats

Processed meats and processed fatty foods are on the list to avoid as well. This includes things like hot dogs and sandwich meats.

Keep a Food Diary

You can also keep a food log and list any trigger foods that seem to irritate your gallbladder or cause pains. If you have a history of stones, you may be able to track the symptoms alongside the foods you eat to see patterns in foods that might be making it worse.

Understanding How Foods Impact the Gallbladder

Why does food matter when trying to have a healthy gallbladder? Well, the simple answer is that the foods we eat impact all our body’s organs. But to break it down more specifically, food affects this small organ because it has an important function in the digestion of food.

The gallbladder stores bile that is produced by the liver and then releases that bile into the small intestine to help digest the food we eat. A healthy liver is also essential. The gallbladder and the liver work together to help us digest the food we eat. When a blockage of bile occurs, you can experience pain, infection, and other symptoms.

Other Tips

There are several things you can do to help prevent gallstones. One is to maintain a healthy weight. Obesity is a risk factor for gallstones. Another is to eat a diet high in fiber and low in fat. And limiting the other foods that are on this list will also help you prevent forming stones.

Finally, drink plenty of fluids. Water helps to dissolve gallstones and keeps them from getting bigger. So, drink eight glasses of water a day, or more if you can!


Most people probably don’t think about their gallbladder on a daily basis. However, gallbladder issues can sneak up on you and hit you hard when you least expect it. By limiting or avoiding the foods on this list, you can have a healthier gallbladder and reduce your risk of developing stones.